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The Colacho
The Colacho
The Colacho is a festival declared of national touristic interest which is held in conjunction with the Corpus Christi in the town of Burgos Castrillo de Murcia, in the municipality of Sasamon.
It has two main characters and peculiar: The Colacho and drummers.
The Colacho (the Santa Claus), represents the devil, covered with a mask, a suit of bright colors (yellow and red), also carries a snapper (terrañuela) large.
The Colacho wears a short jacket and yellow pants wearing a yellow with a border on the red side, completes his outfit with a yellow hood with a tassel on top. Both the pants and the jacket have embellishments such as tassels, braids, fringes ... alternating red and green. During the procession and in the temple, the Colacho covers his face with a grotesque mask called "rubbish. " In the hands carries terrañuela, which struck with a stick the end of which hangs a ponytail, while the drummers play the drum.
The drummers wearing a long dark coat with a hat and holding a big drum.
These are the scorn of the children of the village and meet with the stripes of the terrañuela. The festival begins on Wednesday after the singing of vespers and perform the "bull. " These are made in Corpus Christi (Thursday) and Sunday (day which has now moved the celebration of Corpus), coinciding with times of the prayers of the monks: Matins, Lauds, Prime, Tertia, Sexta, Nona, Vespers and Compline.
Sunday procession
The most important day of the feast day is Sunday which is celebrated the procession. The villagers decorate their houses with their best clothes to receive the passage of the procession. Some houses have a "altars" where the procession pauses and bless the water and wine. In front of these altars, and on the floor, mattresses are placed on them and just before the arrival of the procession, they lie to children born in the year. The procession is also composed of girls who have received in the year the First Communion children throw flowers lying.
The tour is conducted in procession starts in the village church (located on the highest part of town) and made a journey to return to church again.
Upon completion of the procession, people will "eras" where liven up the party a Castilian dance group.
During the dance the drummers will give a speech and finally drink wine and eat cheese (Sasamon) and bread, which distributes the archicofradía free of Minerva.
See also Matador