Shadow play

Shadow play
The shadow theatre is projected on a screen shadows produced by silhouettes that we interpose in the beam of light that illuminates the screen. The best known are probably the shadowplay PiYing and wayang kulit of Indonesia.

Like his cousin puppetry, shadow theatre, which has origins are lost in the mists of time. The tradition of making China its birthplace (the famous "Chinese shadow"), but some authors place it instead in India. That was only for major migration would have won the Near East.

Used primarily for religious purposes (refer to the souls of the dead), and of exorcism, he quickly became a particularly attractive popular entertainment, featuring both great epic poems that political satires or saucy as Karagöz the famous example of Turkey. The tradition of shadow theatre is still alive in Asia (China, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Java, Bali), Greece, Turkey, and to a lesser extent in Western Europe. In France several theatre companies have specialized in the practice. They include: Amoros and Augustine, "Loupiote, Le Théâtre des Ombres, Montreurs of Shadows, or Dansante The Firefly Theatre du Petit Miroir.

The shadow projected offers its own charm that distinguishes it significantly from other types of entertainment. It leaves in effect the imagination of viewers grow and allows them to interpret certain facts themselves, a bit like the old silent movies. As anyone who watches the show sees only the shadow of the characters and scenery, his imagination fills in the visual information missing, hence the effect. Examples another area where we find this: literature. A novel effect force users to represent a scene, the traits of a character in his head.


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