

Dilruba, Delroba in the Urdu language or (Persian دلربا) is a indoiranisches instrument that zufoge traditions in the time of Amir Khusro as a cross between sitar and sarangi arose. The instrument is one of the musical instruments of the northern Indian khyal direction (Persian خيال) - actually Chaial, often transcribed (khyal) means as "imagination", "Dream", "fantasy".

What twice corpus, Dilruba as Rubab have a similar sound body and the same number of strings or vertebrae that between 19 to 21 strings. The body resonance of the two instruments we skin. It should be noted that the body of sitar twice in the course of time away from each other, and the second body shrunk quite befestig end of the neck, and today's sitar no longer covered with fur and no longer built from dried gourd.

Amir Khusro in northern India and Afghanistan and others As a founder of the northern Dari direction of the music and as a "father" of the Indian khyal direction (imagination, dream).

Especially musicians such as "The Light of Punjab," Ashiq Ali Khan and his Kabuler Kharabatschüler Mohamed Hussein Sara Hang khyal were virtuosos.

The Afghan singer Hafizullah khyal its artists chose the same name from the term khyal.

The Kabuler artists Kharabat quarter was the birthplace of some Dilruba and sarangi players. The great master of Dilruba was Nazer and the sarangi Ghulam Gailani. Nazar played under the direction of Jo Qasem, son of Sitarjo, a music group for the newly established Afghan radio broadcasting Kabul founded.

The orchestra consisted of the following instrumental musicians from the 30s:

* Dilrubaspieler was Nazer
* Tabla: Mahmmod
* Harmonium and vocals: Ghulam Hossein, father of Sara Mohamed Hussein Hang
* Sitar: Merajuddin
* Rubab: Mohammad Omer
* Theory: Farch Afandi or Efendi


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