Super Tuesday


The Super Tuesday is an informal term of the American electoral system. The name refers to a Tuesday (Sheet Tuesday) in the year of presidential elections, in which simultaneously in a number of states codes ( "Primaries") candidacy. Thus, the Super Tuesday is the day on which the majority of delegates elected. Therefore, possible candidates for presidential office here well off to following a successful nomination as a candidate of the party to insure. The Super Tuesday was up to the 2004 elections are held in early March, 2008, he was on the 5th Feb. preferred. As the electoral system of choice men from the early history of the colonies out to explain, may also Tuesday as election day from historical, practical point of view out to be explained. Sunday was a day of church attendance at the same time as the election. Monday was due to the large haul away arrival as well. It remained Tuesday as the earliest possible date of the election.

The intrinsic notion of the "Super Tuesday" focused first on 8 March 1988, as in the southern states of Texas, Florida, Tennessee, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Kentucky, Alabama and Georgia at the same time codes for the US presidential elections in November 1988 were held. The transnational regional primaries based on an idea by Democrats, a moderate candidates up, the interests of the southern states would be better represented. (This plan was ultimately not, as the Governor of Massachusetts Michael Dukakis was nominated). Although participation in the simultaneous primaries fluctuations, has it in the following years each another Super Tuesday, so far, 19 March 1992, on 12 March 1996, on 7 March 2000 and on 2 March 2004. In 2000 there were 16 US states and American Samoa on Super Tuesday.

A convincing results on Super Tuesday, most of the chances for a successful candidacy is strongly encouraged. In general, the Iowa Caucus and New Hampshire primaries of the press is highly respected, because it's the first primaries. Numerically, however, they are not relevant to the overall result, because it is relatively small states. The primaries of Super Tuesday, on the other hand found in a large number of states, which demographically and socially very different, so the result as significant for the nationwide acceptance of the candidate seen. In 1992 Bill Clinton had a number of previous primaries lost, however, on Super Tuesday in a number of Southern states won convincingly - he was eventually to the candidate of the Democratic Party and won the presidential elections. In 1996, for the Republican Bob Dole on the turnaround Super Tuesday significantly, and in 2000 were able to Democrat Al Gore and Republican George W. Bush to claim their candidacy with victories in the primaries of Super Tuesday support. In 2000, approximately 61 percent (Democrats) and 58 percent (Republican) votes of delegates on Super Tuesday secured.

"Super duper Tuesday" 2008
Before that day, there were efforts by some States, their codes on a Tuesday in early February preferable to share their importance in the presidential election campaign of the parties. These aspirations for common prefixes in February voted for the presidential election year 2008, the result, in 24 states on 5 February 2008 primaries were held. [1] Thus, to this day, about half the potential delegates won.

For the biggest "Super Tuesday" in the press jokingly increase forms such as "super duper Tuesday," "Giga Tuesday" or "tsunami Tuesday" related. The epithet tsunami Tuesday came on 3 In June 2007, when the press strategists of the major parties - James Carville, Bob Shrum, Mary Matalin and Mike Murphy - at the round table of the Meet the Press event which said that the importance of the former Super Tuesday weggewischt.


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