Kundalini Yoga
The Kundalini Yoga derives its name from the term Kundalini, which, according to this doctrine, means a primary energy which would be present in every human being and which would evolve along a main channel (sushumna) in the spine in the center of spinal cord from the sacrum to the top of the head.
The Kundalini Yoga aims to raise awareness of the self through the mastery of this energy, the kundalini, the practice of asanas (posture), pranayama (breath techniques), by bhandas (closures, contractions) and the recitation of mantras.
The Kundalini Yoga in India
The Kundalini Yoga is one of 22 schools of Yoga of Indian tradition.
He was also called Raja-Yoga (although now it refers to another school yogic) or it has been reserved for the nobility, the elite (from the Sanskrit root raj for "king", "Royal"), or that he was regarded then as the "royal road" to the development of consciousness.
In the Indian yogic tradition, the Kundalini Yoga was considered as a practice linked to the powerful tantric tradition, with a reputation of providing access to the occult and supernatural powers (or siddhis). The Kundalini Yoga was therefore associated with long Sidhi (or Sadhus) most experienced and taught in a confidential manner.
Carl Gustav Jung and the Kundalini Yoga
The Kundalini Yoga was introduced to Europe by way of Carl Gustav Jung in lectures he gave on this subject in 1932 at the Psychological Club in Zurich, while the discipline was still totally unknown in the West. However, this discovery remained purely theoretical and not resulted in any practice of Kundalini Yoga.
The Kundalini Yoga-West
The first public teachings of Kundalini Yoga in the late 1960s. In 1969, in fact, Kundalini Yoga was taught in the United States and Europe by a master of this discipline, Yogi Bhajan. Advocating including Kundalini Yoga to help addicts break the addiction to drugs (SuperHealth program, founded in 1973, which earned recognition Yogi Bhajan U.S. Senate, he spread his teaching throughout the world for 35 years, with the aim to train teachers.
Yogi Bhajan, also teaching Hatha Yoga, justified the teaching of these techniques by the fact that they are attuned to the needs of our time: according to him, few people in India as elsewhere, can afford to practice Yoga more than one hour per day. It was therefore, according to him, resorting to a practice that will quickly feel the effects it deemed significant.
Now the Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan are many practitioners around the world. The Federation of German-Kundalini Yoga (3HO Germany), for example, claims more than one thousand teachers members ...
The 3HO Foundation (for Healthy Happy Holy Organization), founded by Yogi Bhajan, has a seat on the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations as a non-governmental organization. Its affiliates by major schools of Kundalini Yoga and its associated disciplines (Sat Nam Rasayana, Karam Kriya, Prenatal Kundalini Yoga, White Tantric Yoga ...) which are now run by students of Yogi Bhajan as Gurudev Singh, Tarn Taran Kaur, Shiv Charan Singh, Karta Singh, Jean-Jacques Rigou to name only the best known.
A session of Kundalini Yoga
According to the teachings of Yogi Bhajan, a classic meeting of Kundalini Yoga begins with the chanting of specific mantras that would produce the level of awareness is greater.
Then, possibly after some stretching postures and movements of heating, has the practice of kriya or sequence of postures and movements, often associated with a specific pranayama breathing and sometimes a particular mantra. Kriyas each act on a particular body function vital aspect of the mind, etc..
Then comes the deep relaxation, which lasts 10 to 15 minutes, possibly accompanied by soft music or the sound of a gong.
Then comes the sitting meditation (Yogi Bhajan has taught hundreds of different types), which would have the authority to act on a particular aspect of the mind and emotions (self-confidence, the neutrality of the mind ... ) or on a particular mental faculty as intuition.
Finally, the meeting classic Kundalini Yoga ends as it began, by the singing of a particular mantra.
Sadhana, or practice of Yoga and meditation at sunrise, is a fundamental practice of Kundalini Yoga.
Read also Yoga