
Eternity is a state supposed to be independent of time and therefore had no beginning and no end.

Eternity in the current language
By extension of meaning, the word is used in everyday language to describe an infinite amount of time (or huge) and generally future. In colloquial language, it is used to exaggerate something that seems interminable, as in the phrase "This conference takes forever! ", Or a time that seems long gone, as in the phrase" It's been ages since I have not seen!".

Eternity in philosophy
Is it linear or cyclical? Nietzsche spoke of an eternal return. The Eastern philosophies speak of the wheel of fate. Is it perpetual renewal? Thinking Christian professes to believe in a permanent resurrection, which would be the best way not to degenerate, to renew hope. An eternity ring does not mean the same thing happens again and again. It implies rather a dynamic, changing and as an analogy of a spinning wheel (NB: on which axis? Let us remember with Ludwig Wittgenstein as one door opens, it is necessary that hinges are fixed) is clear: first, the road is never really the same as and as we advance on the other hand, the cycle changes according to the distance traveled (in or wearing off improvements to get better as successful).

A metaphysical idea, a concept like that of transcendent eternity is support in the physical, phenomenal in the Kantian sense. Eternity has an ethical function. This idea serves as a beacon.

Eternity in religion
In religious language, in any case Christian, it is a subtraction in the right time. As such, it has neither beginning nor end, these terms do not have the same meaning. It is thus distinguished from immortality, which has a beginning and no end.

Thomas Aquinas in the Summa Theologica distinguishes something that is separate from eternity as the immortality which he called the aevum, but the concept still seems more clear today.

In some religions, God is called eternal because its existence has no beginning.

In the Catholic religion, if one can believe the doctors of the Church like Saint Augustine and Thomas Aquinas, time is a creation of God as well as space, and is related to the latter. God is called the eternal Trinity.

In the Mormon religion (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) distinction is made between the immortality given to all men whatsoever, and eternal life is to live eternally in God's presence, given those who have accepted the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Eternity in Art
In lyrical language, the word forever means a future without foreseeable end: the heroes of the Iliad and consider gain glory for eternity.

For Renan, and in this sense: "A man can live without believing in eternity, but it must be believed in himself and around him." It is indeed difficult to admit that is ephemeral, and it often tries to leave a trace, so discreet - even anonymously - it is, it passes.

U.S. director Woody Allen expressed so facetious: Eternity is a long time. Especially towards the end. (He may have borrowed from Kafka, but check!)

In 1965, Isaac Asimov titled his science fiction novel dealing with time travel The end of eternity.

Eternity is also the title of science-fiction novel by Greg Bear, who succeeded to the novel Eon (aeon the Latin name given to abstract entities and eternal, from the Greek aion: "life, eternal, divine entity"

Historia de la eternidad (Eternidad, 1936) is the title of an essay by the Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges.

In his poem Dust (alidade, Evian, 2008), Carlo Bordini wrote:

"It is better not to know. Do not know, for example,

how I live

live or how the earth.


replaces eternity."

Read also Ayuveda


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