
Amon is one of the main deities of the Egyptian pantheon. His name Imen, the "Hidden" or "unseen", reflects the inability to know his "true" form, as it is in many ways. It is re acha Imen, "Amon to multiple names.

With its parèdre Imenet, he is one of the divine entities of Hermopolis Ogdoade.

In the form of a goose, one of his symbolic animal, it pondait primordial egg from which life emerged. In the form of a serpent, it fertilizes the egg shaped in the cosmic primordial waters. Pyramid Texts mention among the deities to protect the deceased king and the Middle Empire, he took a prominent place in the region of Thebes, where he eventually supplant Montou. Thébains theologians assign him a new parèdre, Mut, and a son, the moon god Khonsu, with whom he formed the Theban triad.

From the XIth dynasty, it has become dynastic god, and the advent of Amenemhat (Imen is head ") of the XIIth Dynasty will make him the king of the gods, lord of the thrones of the Double Country".

During the XVIIIth Dynasty, Amun became the national deity par excellence, the unifier of Egypt which resulted in the victory Ahmos the Hyksos invaders. It is associated with RE, sun god of Heliopolis, and became the god Amon cosmic-RE, "the eternal, the Lord of Karnak, the creator of what exists, the master of everything, permanently established in all things.

Its traditional figuration is that of a man wearing the crown with two high vertical plumes, the chairs painted blue. It also represents the dark-skinned, more rarely, or black, hence its similarity with Min, the god of coptos.

It is associated with a goose-smn, probably by phonetic similarity, and the ram-SFT. Thus at the entrance to the temple of Karnak stretches an alley of sphinx criocéphales (or criosphinx), the symbol of procreative power. It is also being compared with the god of coptos under the name Amon-Min in which it is embodied in the deity of fertility. Alongside this dynastic Amon, inaccessible to ordinary mortals, there is a Amon feel less remote and lend an attentive ear to the poor, the sick and pregnant women, which may approach at major religious festivals.

It was at that time that the archaic Egyptian Amon is equated with the Greek god Zeus. These are the Cyrénéens who will inform the Greek world as Zeus Ammon. His oracular shrine in the oasis of Siwa, is the third largest after Delphi (dedicated to Apollo) and Dodoni (dedicated to Zeus). Alexander the Great is to proclaim the son of Zeus-Ammon in -331.

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