Otaku is a person who spends almost all his time to an indoor activity obsessive as, for example, manga, anime and video games. The Japanese term is composed of the preposition honorific "o" and the noun "taku" meaning "home", "notice", the "home".
Originally, this expression had no sense that we can know him now: otaku, Japanese is "your home" and thus, by extension, a polite way of his contact address as vous. It seems that this figure has been very popular among fans of animation and manga and, by extension, the meaning of the term has now evolved to mean any person engaged in a hobby, most often indoors -- The term has since acquired a pejorative connotation. It means today (at least in Japan) a person who turns in on itself and lives only for passion doll cult of "Idol" (a young singer, for example), computer (nerd) , video games, etc..
In Japan, the spelling used to distinguish between two jobs:(otaku), is "home" while (otaku), the monomaniacal passion mentioned in this article. Many seniors in Japan, know also that the first sense. Moreover, in the sense of monomaniacal, he often used a word to that effect. For example, a fan of anime is an anime otaku or amniotic, an otaku is an unhealthy kimo-ota (for kimoi otaku himself to kimochi warui otaku).
This new meaning is very close to the original meaning of the word, is "a person who stays at home and do not leave," who lives as a hermit.
A more recent term began to emerge to describe a person who remains cloistered in her house, that of Hikikomori. The term otaku is widely employed but it seems to describe the twenty-first century most certainly an individual locked in an exclusive passion he puts into bulwark against a society that refuses, but without the enclosed characterize as his home and cut off from any social relationship.
Indeed, the development of new means of communication helped to develop a true otaku community it is common to see physically meet in clubs or associations, or even organize events to promote their passion. These groups have also become real players at considerable weight.
Initially, the otaku was regarded by the Japanese as a misfit. Since the creation of Studio Gainax (Evangelion. ..), composed exclusively of otaku, this view tends to evolve. The studio has also produced two OAVs whose hero otakus: Otaku no Video, followed by More Otaku no Video. More recently, and Genshiken Otakus in Love, Densha Otoko, NHK ni Yokoso! Lucky ☆ Star and also approaching the subject.
Contrary to its meaning (the meaning of monomaniacal) in Japanese culture, this term is less pejorative in France, where it refers more generally fans of Japanese anime and manga (even games) without the connotations of social isolation.
Bibliography and filmography
* Otaku: son of the empire of virtual documentary directed by Jean-Jacques Beineix and Jackie Bastide, released in 1994 on Antenne 2, addressing the topic of this type of social personality then emerging in Japan.
The story is quite questionable in the sense that JJ Beineix seeks more shock images that really explains the phenomenon socially speaking. Indeed it is a portrait gallery extreme handpicked by Beineix JJ and his team exposed and not as a minority, almost pathological, but as a majority among Japanese fans. In the French community, many fans have suffered a lot of negative publicity from this story to a prime time, pushing back a few years back efforts to integrate culture japanime France.
* Otaku, children of the virtual, Etienne Barral, published in 1999, and to hell games seen through young people to become autistic force play.
* Otaku Generation - Children of postmodernity, by Hiroki Azuma, February 2008, Hachette Literature. Best-seller in Japan, this essay the philosopher Japanese Hiroki Azuma has the great merit of taking seriously the phenomenon Otaku, name given to these young (and sometimes not so young) fans of manga, video games and cartoons. The author analyzes without judging the products that shape this culture and it reveals some of the major features of post-modernity (loss of bearings, Great Stories from the border between original and copy, between author and consumer creating a network, etc..). Meanwhile, he noted in our post-modernity the root causes of this growing success of Otaku culture.
Read also The Folk Tale from Japan